Understanding the Evolution: From Concrete5 to Concrete CMS – Features, Rebranding, and Modern Capabilities

Concrete5, now known as Concrete CMS, is an open-source content management system (CMS) designed to help users build and manage websites easily. Here’s an overview of both terms:


  • Origins: Concrete5 was first released in 2008, developed by a team led by Franz Maruna. It was designed to be a flexible and user-friendly CMS, focusing on ease of use for both developers and content editors.
  • Features: Concrete5 allowed users to edit content directly on the webpage, using an in-context editing interface. This “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) approach made it particularly appealing for non-technical users who needed to manage website content without diving into code.
  • Modularity: The CMS was built with modularity in mind, allowing users to extend its functionality through add-ons and themes, much like other CMS platforms.

Concrete CMS:

  • Rebranding: In 2021, Concrete5 was rebranded to Concrete CMS to better align with modern web development trends and to clarify that it is a comprehensive content management system.
  • Modern Capabilities: Concrete CMS continues to offer a powerful and flexible platform for website building. It includes robust features like a flexible page management system, advanced user permissions, and an integrated marketplace for add-ons and themes.
  • User Experience: Concrete CMS emphasizes an easy user experience with features like in-context editing, drag-and-drop functionality, and a simple yet powerful interface for managing content.
  • Security and Scalability: The platform is known for its strong security features and ability to scale from small websites to large, complex web applications.
  • Community and Support: Concrete CMS has an active community of developers and users who contribute to its ongoing development, offering support, themes, and add-ons through its official website.

In summary, Concrete5 (now Concrete CMS) is a flexible, user-friendly content management system that allows users to build, manage, and maintain websites with ease. Its evolution into Concrete CMS represents its ongoing commitment to modern web standards and user experience.