What’s New When Upgrading to the Latest ConcreteCMS Version 9

When upgrading ConcreteCMS to Version 9 or the latest version, several new features and improvements come into play, enhancing both user experience and backend functionalities. Here’s a comprehensive look at what’s new when upgrading:

1. Revamped User Interface (UI) & Dashboard

  • Modern UI Design: The dashboard and editing interface are completely redesigned, offering a more intuitive, responsive, and user-friendly experience.
  • Customizable Dashboard: Easier navigation with a customizable dashboard that can be tailored to specific workflows and user preferences.
  • Streamlined Page Management: Pages and content blocks are easier to manage, edit, and organize with drag-and-drop functionality.

2. Enhanced Block Editing & Management

  • Inline Block Editing: Version 9 introduces direct inline text editing, allowing content creators to update content blocks without opening a separate editor.
  • Block Style Customization: More advanced design controls within blocks, giving users better control over styles, fonts, colors, and layout without needing to write CSS.
  • Reusable Blocks & Templates: Block templates can be saved and reused across pages for consistent design.

3. Improved File Manager & Asset Management

  • Folder Support: File Manager now supports folders, making it easier to organize and retrieve files, images, and media assets.
  • Drag-and-Drop Uploads: Faster and more efficient uploading of files via drag-and-drop.
  • Enhanced File Permissions: More granular file permissions, allowing users to set access controls on individual files or folders.

4. Multilingual Site Enhancements

  • Simplified Multilingual Management: Managing multiple languages is more straightforward, with improved tools for language switching and content translation.
  • Language-Specific Sitemaps: Separate sitemaps for each language, enhancing SEO and providing more precise control over language-specific content.

5. SEO & Performance Improvements

  • SEO-Friendly URL Management: More control over URL structure, slugs, and redirects, helping improve search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Enhanced Meta Data Control: Granular control over meta titles, descriptions, and indexing rules for each page.
  • Improved Speed and Performance: Optimizations in asset caching and page rendering improve the overall performance and loading times, particularly on large websites.

6. Composer & Page Templates Enhancements

  • Advanced Page Templates: More flexible and customizable page templates that allow developers to create unique layouts while maintaining consistent design.
  • Improved Composer Interface: For structured content, such as blog posts or product listings, Composer offers a more intuitive editing experience.

7. New Form Builder

  • Drag-and-Drop Form Creation: An improved form builder with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, allowing for the quick creation of forms without custom coding.
  • Form Integration with Express Objects: Easier to capture and manage structured data through forms, seamlessly integrating with the Express Object system.

8. Security Enhancements

  • Enhanced Security Protocols: Stronger password encryption, improved session management, and compatibility with modern security standards.
  • Granular Permissions System: New ways to set permissions for users and groups, offering finer control over who can access, edit, or publish content.

9. PHP 7.4 and 8.0 Compatibility

  • PHP Compatibility: Version 9 supports newer versions of PHP (7.4 and 8.0), ensuring faster processing, better security, and improved server performance.

10. Improved Express Object Functionality

  • User-Friendly UI for Express Objects: Enhanced interfaces for managing and interacting with Express Objects, making it easier to build complex data structures without needing heavy development.
  • Customizable Express Forms and Views: More flexibility in how Express data is displayed, including options for custom views and data filtering.

11. New Themes & Template System

  • Built-In Themes: Version 9 comes with new, responsive themes out-of-the-box, designed to be fully customizable.
  • Block and Theme Integration: Improved integration between blocks and themes for a more cohesive design experience.

12. Multisite Capabilities

  • Multiple Site Management: ConcreteCMS 9 improves multisite management, allowing users to manage multiple sites from a single dashboard with shared assets and settings.

13. Advanced Developer Tools

  • API and Customization: More robust API documentation and hooks for developers to create custom blocks, themes, and integrations.
  • Improved Migration Tools: Easier migration of sites from older versions of ConcreteCMS to Version 9 or higher, maintaining content, design, and functionality.

14. E-Commerce Enhancements

  • E-Commerce Integration: Version 9 has better integration with e-commerce platforms and payment gateways, making it more suitable for online stores.
  • Improved Product Management: More tools for managing products, categories, and inventories, with seamless checkout and payment processing.

15. User Experience & Accessibility

  • Accessibility Compliance: Improved accessibility features, making sites built with ConcreteCMS 9 more compliant with WCAG guidelines and ADA standards.
  • Better User Experience: Overall focus on improving the usability for both site administrators and visitors, with faster, more intuitive interfaces.

Upgrading to ConcreteCMS Version 9 ensures not only a smoother, more intuitive experience for content managers but also provides more robust tools for developers, higher performance, and future-proofing with the latest PHP support and security features.