Best Education Concrete5 Themes or school based theme Responsive Multipurpose concrete5 Theme
You are getting a responsive multipurpose theme in Concrete CMS for your educational website here. The theme is feature-rich with elegant design and there are some real cool features –
- Multi page types
- CTA block included
- Register and blog entry
- Google fonts
- Seamless color customization facility
- Great slider block
- Features a custom template for the search block. A custom template for the Login block
- Included styling via templates for most used concrete CMS blocks;Pagelist Block – w/thumbnail image
Search Block
Block – 5 overlays included
E-mail Sign-Up block – 5 overlays included
Responsive slideshow template -thanks RK01
Tags block – 2 styles - Lightweight responsive mobile/browser friendly theme, minimalist design approach. select your own color schemes, explore your design creativity