Concrete5 Website Design

Responsive concrete5 website design and development

Designing “Responsive concrete5 website design and development” from scratch is our specialty. We don’t use templates – our web designs are 100% unique and designed from scratch just for you. we hand code each website in HTML / HTML5 together with CSS, resulting in W3C standards compliance and accessibility. Additionally, we test each website in all popular browsers to make sure that they are cross-browser-friendly. Website graphics are optimized for web to ensure fast loading speeds and well-thought out navigation helps your customers get what they want quickly.

Designing Concrete5 website from scratch

Here at C5desk we craft completely unique, high-quality website designs, and although web design is our forte, we are 8 plus years of extensive experience in website design and development and are completely capable of providing equally high-quality branding and other design material, such as logo design, stationery, adverts and even 3D Modelling. For designing a website from scratch we will need info from you about your preference, liking, disliking etc. and assure you that, the end result will be a completely new concrete5 site built from scratch and will be completely as per you wish.

Concrete5 Web Design Time

The length of time it takes to design and build a website depends on the scope of work – it could take as little as 4 days or longer than 4 weeks. If you can tell us exactly what you need done, we can give a more accurate timeline.

Concrete5 Website Maintenance and support

If we take on your job, we will design and build it from scratch. We offer free maintenance for 3 years to websites that we designed and built.

For minor new changes, we charge our standard minutely rate (so you don’t have to pay for a whole hour of maintenance if it only takes 15 minutes). For structural changes, we will provide you with a quote based on what needs to be done.

Experience powerful and user-friendly website content management solutions withc5desk