Concrete5 5.6 Upgrading to 5.7 or to latest version is Challenging: Key Reasons and Solutions

Why it is difficult or not possible to automatic upgrade concrete5 version 5.6 to version 5.7 or any latest version of concrete cms

Upgrading from Concrete5 version 5.6 to version 5.7 is challenging, and in many cases, not directly possible, due to significant architectural changes between these versions. Here are the key reasons:

Major Architectural Overhaul:

  • Complete Rewrite: Concrete5 version 5.7 was a complete rewrite of the platform. The underlying architecture, file structure, database schema, and core functionality were fundamentally changed. This makes it incompatible with version 5.6, which prevents a direct, automatic upgrade path.
  • New MVC Framework: Version 5.7 introduced a new MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework, which changed how data, logic, and presentation are handled in the CMS. This framework was different from the older structure used in 5.6, necessitating significant rework of custom themes, blocks, and add-ons.

Incompatibility of Themes and Add-ons:

  • Themes: Themes created for version 5.6 are not compatible with version 5.7 due to changes in the templating engine and the way themes are structured.
  • Add-ons: Most add-ons developed for 5.6 will not work in 5.7 without modification. The API changes and new core functionality mean that developers need to update or rewrite their add-ons to be compatible with the new version.

Database Schema Changes:

  • Different Database Structure: The database schema was altered in 5.7, including changes to how data is stored and retrieved. This means that migrating the database from 5.6 to 5.7 is not straightforward and often requires custom migration scripts.

Content and Block Changes:

  • Blocks: The way blocks are handled in Concrete5 5.7 is different from 5.6. Custom blocks developed for 5.6 may not function correctly in 5.7 without significant reworking.
  • Content Handling: Changes in how content is managed and rendered in 5.7 can lead to issues when attempting to carry over content from 5.6, further complicating the upgrade process.

Manual Migration is Often Necessary:

  • Manual Rebuild: Due to these significant changes, most upgrades from 5.6 to 5.7 involve a manual process where the site is essentially rebuilt in 5.7. Content, themes, and add-ons often need to be re-created or heavily modified.
  • Custom Migration Tools: While there are some tools and scripts developed by the community to assist with the migration, they require technical expertise and are not always able to handle complex sites.

End of Support for 5.6:

  • Legacy Version: Concrete5 5.6 is considered a legacy version, and support for it has been phased out. This means there are fewer resources and support options available for those looking to upgrade, further complicating the process.

In summary, the transition from Concrete5 5.6 to 5.7 is more akin to migrating to a new CMS than a typical version upgrade. The architectural differences and incompatibilities necessitate a manual approach, making it a challenging process that often requires significant effort and technical expertise.